Could See You

by - Kamis, Februari 07, 2013

Dear, Autumn ..

With my eyes, I could see all the beauty of the world.
With my eyes, I could see the cruel world.
With my eyes, I could see everything.
Saw something I had never seen, even everything I've often seen.
Seeing my mother, seeing my father, seeing my sister, seeing my grandparents, seeing all my family, and also seeing you.
But could you saw me, as I could see you everytime?
Do you see how much I was afraid to lose you?
Not losing you, but losing your love.

God is always fair.
Yeah like I've met you.
Maybe it's justice will be seen when one of us is no more to be seen, right?
I tried to understand what I write and what I feel.

My Heart for You.

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